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Location: Toledo, Ohio, United States

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Royal Hoax

People are fragile.  For proof we need look no further than the suicide of Jacintha Saldanha.  Ms. Saldanha was the nurse who fielded the prank phone call from Australian disc- jockeys, Michael Christian and Mel Greig (“Royal Hoax”, Reuters/Blade, 11 Dec.2012, sec.A2)   Imitating the Queen of England the disc jockey asked about the medical status of the Queen’s granddaughter, Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge. The call was transferred unchallenged to the appropriate department and was recorded by the radio station.

Delighted by their good fortune the D.J.’s played the recording over and over.  Word of the prank was soon picked up by other media outlets and worldwide humiliation was now pressing down upon Ms. Saldanha.  Mortified she took her own life.

If this ruse had not ended so tragically it would have been funny.  What the disc-jockeys did was mild compared to some of the elaborate practical jokes launched upon some unsuspecting prey.  Some jokes are designed for good natured fun, others to inflict emotional pain and humiliation.   An entire industry is built around practical jokes, pranks, and hoaxes; all of which are kissing cousins to political gaffs we so delight in.  Then we wring our hands and wonder how we can stop children from becoming sadistic bullies.

            What’s troubling to me are the things society finds entertaining.  Cruel jokes, mockery, violence, a general disregard for civility.  These things coupled with mankind’s blind and stubborn refusal to acknowledge his fallen nature.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Global Warming

Can the heartbreaking destruction from hurricane force wind, torrential rain, ravenous wild fires, and the brutal heat wave be signs of global warming or, perhaps, the opening salvo of the apocalypse?  Do these things represent Mother Nature in a foul mood or God in judgment mode?
Who or what controls this ball of mud hurtling through the eternal sky? Are we hapless pawns to Mother Nature’s fury, or beloved children of God?  Shall we marvel at evolution’s mindless, pathetic disregard for this planet?  Or worship in awe at the feet of a Creator “who even the wind and waves obey.”  
A recent editorial (Some like it hot? 7/16/12) offers this opinion, “The predictions for climate change are being fulfilled.”  I counter; so are the prophecies for the Second Coming of Christ.
The religious have always pointed to natural disasters—and the evil of men on parade—as having deeper, unseen spiritual meaning.  With uncanny timing the NON SEQUITUR cartoon that same day offered ridicule of end time prophecy; something about a blind squirrel finding a nut. 
Anyway, someday that cartoon character wearing a sandwich sign that reads, “The World Will End Tomorrow,” won’t be a lampooned by the masses; he will be a prophetic witness to a fact.
One thing is certain; today we are closer to that fateful day than we were yesterday.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Domestic Partners

The Toledo Blade supports health care benefits for domestic partners. (Domestic partner bill: Yes.   6/10/2012)  I’m okay with that I guess.  I’m just not sure what constitutes a domestic partner.  Are we speaking about homosexual lovers or fishing buddies? How will we prevent fraud?  Are we going to make people swear they engage in coitus before we consider them domestic partners?

Actually, society may be on the right track here.  Instead of issuing marriage licenses offer a “Domestic Partner” license to any couple that desire one; straight or gay.  A domestic partner could be your lover, your best friend or just someone you trust.  Everyone needs and should have a partner, someone to watch your back.  Anyone you choose could have the power of attorney, act as executor of your estate, and in relation to the editorial in review, receive benefits from your employer/health care provider

To summarize: remove the spiritually charged word “marriage” from State lexicon (separate church and state) and replace it with the term domestic partner.

Friday, June 08, 2012

Victory in Jesus


A recent letter in Readers Forum perfectly illustrates a misunderstanding held by most of Christendom.  (Cross a sign of joy, not failure, May 31, 2012)  The writer could not be more wrong.   The Cross of Christ is a sign of abject failure, shame, humiliation, disgrace and defeat.  When people wear a cross as jewelry, or worse, ascribe to it a superstitious, voodoo like power it only shows their ignorance of that fact.  

You can bet Satan was wringing his hands in devilish glee when Christ was nailed to the cross; thinking, “I finally got you, you pious bastard!”

Little did Satan realize at the time that the Cross represents a propitiation; an appeasement to God the Father for our sins.  We ought to be humiliated by the Cross because it should have been you and I on it.  When you realize our human family—that fallen nature we all share—would joyously do that to the Son of God for sport and entertainment dread should overtake your consciousness.

Here’s the tripping point.  Christ’s glory, the victory we now share is realized in the resurrection, not the crucifixion.  This may seem like splitting hairs to you, but consider what the Apostle Paul wrote in 1 Cor. 15:17 “If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins.”  

The Cross evokes a lot of emotions in me:  gratefulness, wonder, amazement to name a few.  Joy… not so much.

Sunday, June 03, 2012

Just a Word

The Word

The Christian version of the, “Big Bang Theory” is found in Genesis Chapter One, God spoke and BANG it happened.  “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”
(John 1:1). 
Charles Krauthammer made a good point in Saturday’s editorial (Obama boxed himself in on gay marriage, 5/20/12).  President Obama infers that if you haven’t yet evolved to the point where you can link the words homosexual and marriage than you must be a knuckle dragging Neanderthal. 

Homosexuality is romantic or sexual attraction or behavior between members of the same sex or gender.   As William Shakespeare reminds us "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet"; in other words it would still be a rose. Homosexuality by any other name is still homosexuality. 

Words can be powerful.  A word hurled your way in anger, insult, taunt, or mockery will not break your bone, but may crush your spirit, and scar your soul.  James the brother of Jesus calls the tongue a restless evil full of deadly poison (James 3:8).  Vibrations from our vocal cords have the spiritual force to drive a spouse to tears, prompt a teenager to commit suicide, and the power to create war.  Words can also inspire the soul and lift the spirit of man. 

Battle lines are being drawn.  If you follow President Obama’s line of reasoning to its logical conclusion than the crowning achievement of mankind’s evolutionary journey would be silencing the God of Scripture and crowning mankind as God.  That has been Satan’s Modus Operandi since the Garden of Eden.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

December 5, 2008
Until recently I didn’t realize how literal the term “Global Economy” was. We are in this world together; we sink or swim as one.
As the adage declares, “He who forgets the past is doomed to repeat it.” Let we look to history, not to place blame, but view her a wise teacher with wisdom to share.
If we don’t get beyond our "us verses them" mentally, civilization will continue its downward spiral. Politicians continually fail to acknowledge there is a spiritual reality within the body of man. Ignoring this fact does not make it go away. Our fallen nature, the anger and hatred, our self serving interests, our greed; these things must be faced— and fought.
Illegal immigration and jobs shipped overseas have many people in lather. Our neighbors near and far just want to feed their families, like you and I do. Desperate people do desperate things. Should I care more about the welfare of your children than I do about the welfare of theirs?
In our greed– unwilling to share the wealth. In our selfishness– unwilling to share the work. Buy American union workers demand, then gorge themselves on sweatshop/child labor produced trinkets without a twinge of compunction
I believe America has failed to meet her high calling; we now have a opportunity to do things differently. Love one another; no sacrifice is to demanding for love. Love for family and friends comes naturally. But, love for the alien, the stranger and even our enemies is a decision only the spiritually strong can make.
With a Barack Obama Presidency on the horizon it seems as if America has been given a clean slate, a second chance; a fresh page in the history book of the world, a page ready to be written by our hand.
How will it read?

October 9, 2008
World needs a new definition of success
What started out as a refreshing presidential campaign, facing our challenges squarely while being courteous and respectful to those who disagree, has turned into the same old fashioned mud-slinging, blood fest.
The American dream has turned into a nightmare for many. Working hard and playing by the rules doesn’t automatically lead to success anymore. Every day more and more Americans pray for ability to just comfortably survive.
The problems facing our nation and the world can be traced much farther back then the last eight years under George W. Bush. Our definition of success needs to be re-defined.
Every politician the world over needs to focus on three goals, four every Christian should desire; peace on earth, to end famine on this planet, literally establish a universal healthcare system, and in addition, for the believer— win the world for Christ.
Lofty goals. Worthy goals, and I believe, obtainable goals. Goals like these offer hope to the spirit of man and a world in chaos. In previous political campaigns phrases like, “I want a kinder, gentler nation,” or a vision expressed of “A thousand points of light.” Breathed life in the soul of a nation.
I don’t expect anyone to offer an easy ten point plan to Nirvana. It’s unrealistic to believe people all over the world will someday rise above the flesh and walk in the fear of the Lord. For inhabitants of the earth to insist that everyone live as civilized human beings, live simply, so that other may simply live, is a reasonable expectation. To compare the world as it is to the world as it should be, as it could be, as it was created to be, is a vivid and valid way to gauge how far mankind has fallen.

March 26, 2008
Wright’s comments lose candidate vote
The Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s inflammatory diatribe cost Sen. Barack Obama my vote. Sen. Obama is one of the most gifted men I have ever seen in public life. Articulate, poised, intelligent, insightful. I have every confidence America would have a president in Barack Obama we could be proud of again.
Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s comments— actually the African American community’s response to them— concern me. If Rev. Wright was one man trapped in the sixties, a holdover from America’s embarrassing past, a grown man still dealing with a trauma he experienced in his youth, the anger he expressed could be excused.
The hard reality is he is a leader, role model, and spokesman for much of the Black community. His audience that day did not sit in polite silence, nor did they receive his hate-speech with jaw dropping stunned disbelief, but rather affirmed his rhetoric with yes-yes nods, surely a few “amen’s” peppered the auditorium; saying “amen” to a preacher is like saying “sic-em” to a dog.
In religious circles what Rev. Wright did would be called “preaching to the choir,” in other words preaching to an audience certain to accept your message. If Rev. Wright would have given that same speech in a “lion’s den,” perhaps a joint session of congress, with all those gray haired, white faced, good old boys starring back at him Rev. Jeremiah Wright would now be a hero of mine. Instead he is what I perceive to be as an embarrassment to the cause of Christ.
It’s hard to believe Rev. Wright spent over 30 years in the pulpit; could his persona really symbolize his idea of Christ likeness?

January 25, 2008
Using food to make fuel is depraved
Toledo Blade, front page banner headline, January 11, 2008: “Ohio hails ethanol era with Putnam Co. facility.” The stated article went on to report the ribbon cutting ceremony that signaled the opening of a Bio-refinery in Leipsic, Ohio. All the pomp and circumstance, along with the usual cast of characters we’ve come to expect at such an event were present.
Ohio Governor Ted Strickland was given the honor of cutting the ribbon and declared, “This is a great day for Ohio.”
The research into alternative fuels, along with solar power and wind energy, coupled with conservation, will only become more crucial as time goes by. After all, petroleum is not a renewable energy source, when it’s gone, it’s gone.
The possibility of making fuel from corn cobs as the article postulates is an exciting prospect indeed. That being said, I do not see the opening of this plant as a “great day for Ohio,” but rather a crime against humanity.
With so much of the world ravaged by famine we dare celebrate our ability to take 22 million bushels of corn annually and turn it into 65 million gallons of ethanol. That just at one of three plants being built in Ohio, with 21 other ethanol producing plants nationwide owned by the same manufacturer.
If the impoverished people of the world were to read about this “great day for Ohio” what might they say? “Don’t the people of America claim to be a Christian– God fearing nation? Don’t they know our children are starving? Don’t they care?”
We would have to answer, “Yes, we know, and no, obviously we don’t care.
Using God given food sources to make whiskey, beer, and now bio-fuel is depraved. Research yes, but let’s not trade our soul for a tank of gas.

February 25, 2005
Where have all the classy women gone?
In response to the recent contributor’s quizzical lament, “Isn’t there one decent man out there?” I can assure you that there are. I often pose a similar question, “where have all the classy women gone?”
As a musician I am no stranger to the club scene in Toledo. I always try to conduct myself as a Christian gentlemen, only to have some drunken bimbo ask me if I’m gay. Of course she does this while simultaneously scanning the faces of her friends hoping her razor sharp wit hasn’t escaped their notice.
Chivalry is not dead, but before I gallop in like your Knight in shining armor the aggressor will need to pose more of a threat than an intoxicated lout with a vulgar mouth. I will defend your physical safety, not your pride.

July 25, 2007
City missed chance to act righteously
In November 2005 the City of Toledo elected Carty Finkbeiner to his third term as Mayor. A short time later, in seemingly unrelated news, Warren Buffett gave the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 37 billion dollars and joined their fight against famine and disease around the world.
Imagine with me for a moment if some political figure in Toledo had the daring insight to secure the Owens Illinois building for humanitarian efforts before it became a monument to the god America really worships… money.
Imagine if we would have been tuned into the heart and mind of God, ready to offer Bill and Melinda Gates the Owens Illinois building – along with the symbolic key to the city – and tell them, “Bill, Melinda, Mr. Buffett, our city is at your disposal, let us help you do some good in this world.” Ladies and gentlemen I believe with every fiber of my being that we, Toledoans, could have changed the very destiny of this planet.
Instead of being leaders in a righteous revolution we set our sites on building a Marina District, that is when were not squabbling about garage pickup. Men of God do not build playgrounds for the wealthy while children are sick and starving anywhere on this planet. That is my opinion, I will stand behind it, even if I stand alone.
And the forth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was given power to scorch people with fire. They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God, who had control over these plagues, but they refused to repent of what they had done. (Revelation 16:8-9)
A little global warming anyone?

USA Today - May 2, 2007
Stop playing enemies game
A Vietnam like quagmire. That’s the term most often used to describe the chaos that is the war in Iraq. There are similarities of course, in all wars young men die. The big difference about this war that I never heard about Vietnam is this. If we leave Iraq unstable the war will follow us home. I believe that’s true. So what can we do? How can we fulfill our commitment and moral obligation to the Iraqi people. How do we keep the violent factions in Iraq contained and unable to spread to their neighbors, and ultimately to our shores?
It is said a fanatic is one who can’t change his mind even in the face of failure, but will simply redouble his efforts. This quote seems to fit President Bush’s approach to the war in Iraq all too well I’m sorry to say. Send more troops, spend more money. I wish that were the answer, I don’t think it is.
We need to change course; change strategy. I have never been to Iraq and I realize it is all to easy to be an arm chair General. Having said that, this is what I would do differently. if I were in command. I would quit sending my men on patrols, most causalities occur from road side bombs, or Improvised Explosive Device (IED’s).
I would lock down the Iraqi boarder, and take total control of its airspace. Keep the hatred contained and let it feed on itself until like a forest fire it burns itself out. We are playing their game, on their home court, by their rules. That needs to stop. Take high ground, and if terrorist or insurgents want to fight us let them come.

May 17, 2006
Where’s the motive in nun’s murder?
What follows is one layman’s take on the Father Robinson murder trial: Means, Motive and Opportunity; if I heard that said on police dramas once, I heard it a hundred times. Did Father Robinson have the means? Yes. Did he have the opportunity? Yes. But where’s the motive?
A satanic, ritualistic killing was one theory offered by the prosecution. That’s hard for me to accept. Rituals are done with meticulous care, and savored as long as possible by the participants. Ritualistic killings are not done on a spur-of-the-moment impulse in a semi-public location. Father Robinson could have easily used a ministerial pretext to lure Sister Pahl away to a secluded and secretive torture chamber.
Occult practitioners gradually work up to more sinister and wicked activities. Animals are usually abused and tortured first. Then after the Satanist has crawled deep into his dark soul a human sacrifice may be sought.
It’s hard to keep that stuff a secret, evil does not stand alone, someone must know if Father Robinson was active in the occult. It has also been suggested the murder was simply done in a fit of rage. Does Father Robinson have a history of violence? Is he quick to fly off the handle and lose his temper? It seems to me reasonable doubt could have easily have been established in this case.
Father Robinson may indeed be guilty, and he may have sprinkled ritualistic trappings around the crime scene to throw the police off track. But the notion of Sister Pahl’s murder being a premeditated satanic ritualistic killing, in the true sense, is a stretch, in my opinion.

January 26, 2006
Leave the graffiti to young lovers
I am a huge fan of well orchestrated civil disobedience; the more off-beat the better. Nevertheless I was surprised when Mike Ferner was arrested for defacing highway overpasses with anti-war messages. I don’t know Mr. Ferner personally, but the activity in question seemed out of place for a man of his social standing.
What did he hope to accomplish? It’s not as if a presidential motorcade was scheduled to pass by. The Blade let Mr. Ferner explain his philosophy in the Jan. 21 Saturday Essay. Comparing this civil disobedience to young lovers spray-painting a declaration of their eternal love and devotion for each other is an apples-oranges kind of thing.
When asked what prompted his civil rebellion, his response was: images, images, images, images — images of the lame, the blind, the crippled. Yeah, Mike, we get it. War is hell.
So his blood boils with indignation. Here the simile comparing his actions to those of young lovers may be apropos; neither entity can imagine anyone else ever felling such deep passion.
To leave Iraq now would be a mistake. Imagine the adrenaline rush our withdrawal would give the insurgents. They would certainly view our pull-out as a victory; America the Great Satan has been slain, fueling the belief they are chosen by God to purge the world of infidels. We can help democracy take root in Iraq today, or our grandsons can try tomorrow.
Do my beliefs give me the right to spray paint, “Stay the Course” on public property?
Overpass fascias do not belong to you or me; they belong to us. They are not our personal billboards. Let’s leave the graffiti to the young lovers.

September 25, 2005
Congratulations to Finkbeiner, Ford
Congratulation to Mr. Finkbeiner and Mr. Ford for advancing to the general election, good luck to you both. Now that the primary election is nothing but a fading memory, it is time for this candidate to drift graciously into obscurity.
With the abundance of political pundits and shock-jock-radio-personalities that could easily run the world from their bar-stool, logic would dictate finding a qualified man or woman to run our city would be a cinch.
Unfortunately civilization has digressed to the point that having a caustic and abrasive tongue; being rude, crude and obnoxious of mind and mouth is often confused with being witty, clever and insightful. Civic leaders and role-models embrace their base nature and create strife rather than promote healing.
For obvious reasons I thought it prudent to stay low-key concerning spiritual matters during my campaign, so let me spell it out for my friends in the media. Gentlemen, if you want to come after me bring it on; I’m no frail old woman. But if you come after me you better come after me with a Bible in your hand.
I find it curious as well that men and women who make their living with words, whether the spoken word or in print, are not better at reading between the lines better than they are. Remember when I donned the funny glasses in the last televised mayoral debate and did my little song and dance? Interpret that as my assurance of, and declaration that, judgment is coming. Let’s see who’s laughing then.

September 24, 2004
A Delightful Form of Civil Disobedience
I find the type of civil disobedience orchestrated by the group known a “Fathers 4 Justice” nothing short of delightful. One of their members - Jason Hatch, 33 of Gloucester, England - scaled the wall of Buckingham Palace dressed as Batman.
Using what would best be described as childish pranks, Mr. Hatch and his cohorts go to great lengths to call attention to their cause; greater custody and visitation rights for divorced and separated fathers.
England, like the United States, is a country governed by laws. The concern I have for this group is that most people who witness their escapades will side with the court. The men in question will be viewed as unstable, in other words.
That would be a mistake. I have no doubt these men used every legal resource at their disposal. Legal wrangling when dealing with child custody is a maddening experience. My case is not unique.
In my naivete I played the game, thinking justice would ultimately win in a court of law. Little did I realize the court had its mind made up before I walked through the door. Although not as creative as my English counterparts, I too began a protest, and just like my English cousins I landed in jail.
Looks like my friends over the pond are having a lot more fun. No wonder it’s called Jolly ol’ England. Bravo, my friends, bravo!
So if you see a man swinging from the giant chandelier on the portico of the White House and he’s wearing a red, white, and blue Spandex jumpsuit, a pink tutu, Grougho Marx glasses, and combat boots, it’ll be me.

April 16, 2002
Humans Are made In The Image Of God:
If you were somehow allowed to meet all 6 billion inhabits of this planet, and if memory would serve, you could recall everyone by name because we all look different. One nose, one mouth, two ears, two eyes, and we all look different. Evolution would not go to that much trouble. In the animal kingdom even God did not go to that much trouble. With only a handful of snowbirds in my backyard I’m hard pressed to tell them apart, although a sparrow will not fall to the ground apart from the will of God (Matthew 10:29). They all look much the same.
Humans, on the other hand, made in the image of God on so many levels, are each unique, right down to our fingerprints and DNA. The very hairs of your hear are numbered. (Matthew 10:30)
According to the account of creation in Genesis, “pain in childbirth” is a punishment given to Eve for eating the “forbidden fruit.” No animal has anywhere near the difficulty women do in giving birth. Why hasn’t “evolution” corrected this difficulty, this injustice, by now?
Biblical arguments abound. And time will not allow a discussion of the scientific evidence of creation such as the universal flood and the wonders of physics.
Don’t be fooled, friends. It boils down to this. You can either serve God who makes you lie down in green pastures. Or a harsh taskmaster who will make a monkey out of you.

February 27, 1999
Deadbeat Dad’ Label is Grossly Unfair
The label “deadbeat dad” is a brutal accusation to levy against a man. All too often a loving and devoted father is placed in a position in which compliance with a court order would strip him of his manhood and self-respect. I have been placed in such a position.
My divorce settlement was amicable for the most part, ample visitation, assets fairly divided, even the amount of child support is not a problem. What the settlement lacked, however, is a simple thing called “shared parenting.” For my former wife and I to share responsibility and accountability for our child’s welfare must be just too logical for the judicial system to grasp.
I don’t drink, use drugs, nor am I abusive. I am, however, a recovering alcoholic (sober 12 years now). Because of alcoholism I have a checkered and colorful past, including run-ins with the law. My wife wanted full custody of out daughter, the court saw my record and rubber stamped another case. When I look around our fair city I see men fathering children that shouldn’t be allowed to raise dogs, yet the government takes a child away from me, the best father in town (there may be equals, but there are none better).
I went to parenting classes and anger management classes. I have jumped through so many hoops to get my kid back I should join the circus. All to no avail. So I am placing my child support payments in escrow until the time a shared-parenting plan is issued. Not only do I accept my responsibility as a father, I embrace it, and I want my kid back.

April 28, 1998
Arkansas boy’s don’t deserve death:
Why two Arkansas boys 11 and 13 years old would shoot and kill four of their classmates and a teacher is still a mystery. How to punish children when they commit heinous crimes such as this is a question society is now wrestling with.
Should we try them as adults and seek the death penalty? I think not. I pray I never live in a country that will put children to death no matter what their crime.
If I had the opportunity to counsel these two youngsters, I would point to the life of the Apostle Paul and his activity as a persecutor of the Christian faith. How he would drag off whole families of Christians and put them to death. He later became a pillar of the Christian faith.
In the same vein I suspect these boys in Arkansas are two of the most spiritual-minded young men in our society today. Let’s not kid ourselves, there is no punishment that fits their crime. If society does not ostracize them upon their release from jail, but will instead nurture them on a spiritual path, they too may become great men of God.
If you have been fortunate as I and never killed anyone, congratulations, but before you break your arm patting yourself on the back, remember these words, “But for the grace of God their go I.” In another time, in another place, you or I could not only have done what these children did, but what Timothy McVeigh did, or even Adolph Hitler did.
That, friends and neighbors, is our sinful nature.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

How can God allow this to happen?:
When the tsunami’s final body count is tallied, the number of victims will have reached well into six figures. The magnitude of human loss and the anguish and suffering of the survivors are beyond comprehension.
The age-old question begs to be asked. If there really is a God, one that is all powerful and loving like Christians claim, why then did He allow this tragedy to happen?
Terrorist attacks, war, crime, and all manner of man-made evil are just that, man-made. Gospel preachers can point to the free will of man, and people seem to understand that.
How can I defend my theology, my belief, and my understanding of a good and loving God in the face of a natural catastrophe the likes of which most of us have never seen?
This tsunami tragedy will surely strengthen the agnosticism of some. If there is a God, they will reason, He is either uncaring, unloving, or unable to intervene in the affairs of men. Their doubt is understandable, even, I dare say, reasonable.
So let’s go to Scripture. Why by surprised and questioning about events Jesus predicted would happen? Fulfillment of prophecy should inspire belief. Following are some excerpts from Luke; Chapter 21:
“There will be great earthquakes, famines, and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven. Nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. Men will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.”