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Thursday, December 11, 2008

USA Today - May 2, 2007
Stop playing enemies game
A Vietnam like quagmire. That’s the term most often used to describe the chaos that is the war in Iraq. There are similarities of course, in all wars young men die. The big difference about this war that I never heard about Vietnam is this. If we leave Iraq unstable the war will follow us home. I believe that’s true. So what can we do? How can we fulfill our commitment and moral obligation to the Iraqi people. How do we keep the violent factions in Iraq contained and unable to spread to their neighbors, and ultimately to our shores?
It is said a fanatic is one who can’t change his mind even in the face of failure, but will simply redouble his efforts. This quote seems to fit President Bush’s approach to the war in Iraq all too well I’m sorry to say. Send more troops, spend more money. I wish that were the answer, I don’t think it is.
We need to change course; change strategy. I have never been to Iraq and I realize it is all to easy to be an arm chair General. Having said that, this is what I would do differently. if I were in command. I would quit sending my men on patrols, most causalities occur from road side bombs, or Improvised Explosive Device (IED’s).
I would lock down the Iraqi boarder, and take total control of its airspace. Keep the hatred contained and let it feed on itself until like a forest fire it burns itself out. We are playing their game, on their home court, by their rules. That needs to stop. Take high ground, and if terrorist or insurgents want to fight us let them come.


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