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Saturday, January 21, 2006

How can God allow this to happen?:
When the tsunami’s final body count is tallied, the number of victims will have reached well into six figures. The magnitude of human loss and the anguish and suffering of the survivors are beyond comprehension.
The age-old question begs to be asked. If there really is a God, one that is all powerful and loving like Christians claim, why then did He allow this tragedy to happen?
Terrorist attacks, war, crime, and all manner of man-made evil are just that, man-made. Gospel preachers can point to the free will of man, and people seem to understand that.
How can I defend my theology, my belief, and my understanding of a good and loving God in the face of a natural catastrophe the likes of which most of us have never seen?
This tsunami tragedy will surely strengthen the agnosticism of some. If there is a God, they will reason, He is either uncaring, unloving, or unable to intervene in the affairs of men. Their doubt is understandable, even, I dare say, reasonable.
So let’s go to Scripture. Why by surprised and questioning about events Jesus predicted would happen? Fulfillment of prophecy should inspire belief. Following are some excerpts from Luke; Chapter 21:
“There will be great earthquakes, famines, and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven. Nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. Men will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.”

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Just give convicted felons a zillion years:
Nowadays when a person reaches 100 years old we take notice, and if they live to see one-hundred with a relative degree of health we are truly impressed.
I’ve long ago quit trying to make sense of our judicial system. There is no rhyme or reason to be found there.
Even so when I see a headline that reads, “Sexual predator ordered to serve 195 years in prison,” I can’t help but be dumbfounded yet again.
Upon reading the article in question, I learned that James Perry, 34, is already serving a 180-year federal sentence on child-pornography charges. That takes him to a grand total of 375 years, and Mr. Perry still faces sexual assault charges in Illinois. Twenty-six additional charges were dismissed.
The article continued by stating Mr. Perry, “cried and rocked in his chair.” “I don’t have any excuse,” he said, “I wish I knew why.” One of his victims graciously offered forgiveness. “Thank you,” he said between sobs, “I’m sorry.” Reading between lines that translates, “God have mercy on me, a sinner.”
I know most of us want to scrape this type of individual off the soul of society like one scrapes dog feces off the soul of his shoe. In less disgusting words – life without parole – but when the court hands down ridiculous hyperbolic sentences, they look foolish. Why not just say a zillion years?

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Confusing diplomacy, spiritual cowardice:
As a preacher I appreciate a well-crafted and well-delivered speech. So I enjoy political conventions and presidential debates. In addition the possibility also exists that some politician will stick his foot so far in his mouth that toe jam will come out of his ears, and I don’t want to miss that.
The recent democratic national Convention did not offer much fodder for our nation’s comedians, and you may not have agreed with some politicians’ stance on an issue, but for the most part the speeches were well thought out and delivered.
One thing Sen. John Kerry said keeps gnawing at my psyche. He said: “I don’t wear my religion on my sleeve.” He then went on to quote President Abraham Lincoln with these words, “I don’t claim to believe God is on our side, but I humbly pray that we are on God’s side.”
We cherish religious freedom. It would be improper for a presidential candidate to force feed us his specific religious belief, doctrine, or creed. As president of this great land, a man must stay generic and diplomatic in regards to religion, I understand that.
Lincoln was a man of God who also said, “No man has the right to consider himself educated until he has read the Bible.” Lincoln also said, “A thorough knowledge of the Bible is of greater value than a college education.”
If Mr. Kerry would have said that he spends the first hour of every day in Bible study and prayer seeking God’s will for this country and pleading for wisdom to lead his people, then he would have earned the right to quote Abraham Lincoln.
Mr. Lincoln earned the nickname “Honest Abe,” and he didn’t earn it by confusing diplomacy with spiritual cowardice.”

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Why Should God Bless Us With A Cure:
Just what is “stem cell research” and what’s all the fuss about? I won’t pretend to understand how some brilliant scientists plan to use stem cells in an attempt to cure a devastating, frightening illness like Alzheimer’s. On the one hand I recognize the moral concerns dealing with embryonic research, but on the other hand I certainly don’t want to stand in the way of a cure. My first inclination is to wish the scientists Godspeed.
With God’s guiding hand, scientists have discovered vaccines for mumps, measles, rubella, chicken pox, polio, and others. Still 50 percent of the children in Third World countries die before they reach the age of five. Preventable diseases coupled with starvation are what most of the children succumb to. Whether you believe in God or not, this is outrageous.
How can a civilized people sleep peacefully while millions around them live in poverty, squalor, and disease in the shanty towns of the world? This is the moral issue we should be concerned with, and in the end the one that will condemn us.
If we build another multi-million-dollar church building while children the world over are sick and hungry I’m afraid the Lord will disown the whole lot of us.
Why should God bless us with a cure for Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, or cancer when we’ve been such poor servants of His rich blessings? It’s time to put away childish things and get serious about the job at hand. Or we can build bigger barns and buy more toys; God always leaves that choice up to us. It doesn’t surprise me at all that the Word of God describes our human family as children of wrath.

Monday, January 16, 2006

‘Bad Apples’: We Reap What We Sow:
Some members of the New Your City Police Department got their jollies by sodomizing a Haitian immigrant with handle of a toilet bowl plunger. Their superiors claimed a few “bad apples” had slipped into their ranks.
When the dawn of a new day burst upon the Catholic Church and pedophile priests scampered like cockroaches for the cover of darkness, the religious hierarchy claimed a few “bad apples” had slipped through the cracks.
Now it’s the military’s turn to defend its sexual embarrassment. And what are the commanding officers saying? You guessed it, a few “bad apples” are responsible.
We have been feeding our children a steady diet of sex and violence for generations. Through video games, movies, music, and pornography the United States has been parading its violent, vulgar mind before the world. We do not fuel these billion-dollar industries with a few bad apples.
The Bible says: Do not be deceived, God cannot be mocked. A man (nation) reaps what he (it) sows. We either need to start sowing some better seed or prepare to eat some bitter fruit

Saturday, January 14, 2006

May Movie be a Blessing to Mankind:
The Passion of the Christ was a commendable effort by Mel Gibson to dramatize the crucifixion of Christ though film. May the movie prove to be a blessing to mankind. In addition to movies like the Passion , cable television offers myriad bible oriented programs; Who wrote the Bible, Sex and the Bible, Biblical Disasters, In Search of Noah’s Ark, and many others.
Every generation should try to learn from the mistakes of the past. To learn from the triumph and tragedy of war, archeological digs, sociological/psychological studies, and surveys. The advances in medical science in our lifetime have been nothing short of miraculous. Microscopic and telescopic wonders of creation fill us with awe.
The average “Joe” with a computer can install Bible software or surf the net. We can manipulate a keyboard and access a Greek/Hebrew dictionary, atlas, concordance, study aids, and scripture in every translation known to man.
With the wisdom of the ages at our fingertips, why is religion still so divisive? One church speaks in tongues, another teaches a prosperity gospel, some bizarre and eccentric fringe group handles snakes.
The pro-abortion group and the gay marriage/gay priest issue further divide the cause of Christ. Each group claims they are led by the Spirit of God, but unless the Spirit of God enjoys contradicting Himself something is seriously amiss.
I can’t be the only one who sees a word in dire need religious reform. My obligation as a minister is a challenge your thinking, hard to do in a country where it is considered ill form to question someone’s religion. So I’m left with only one option, speak where the Bible speaks, remain silent where the Bible is silent, and let the chips fall where they may.

Culture Making Us Callous, Unflappable:
“Be fruitful and multiply.” God spoke these words to Adam and Eve before the fall and in doing so unleashed a force of nature that men cannot harness.
Now the Episcopalian Church has elected a gay bishop. I’m not surprised. Are you? As a culture we have become callous, unflappable. Nothing a religious cleric or organization can do or say will even raise an eyebrow anymore. Yes, God loves the homosexual but hates homosexuality. He calls it sin.
Another teaching that is crystal clear is this. False piety, false humility, and false wisdom, or what the Bible calls the appearance of wisdom, will land more souls in hell than sins of the flesh ever will.
To stray from the ancient path in the name of enlightenment would be comical if the consequences weren’t so damning. We are technologically advanced in comparison to our first century ancestors to be sure; they wouldn’t know how to make toast.
However, we deceive ourselves thinking we are spiritually more insightful than they. Look around, friends. We live in a sexual nuthouse. To think they were inhibited or their libidos less inflamed than ours is foolish.
Primitive Christianity is the narrow path that only a few find. Since the first false teacher stumbled over his ego, men have pleaded, “Don’t leave the path!”
You can put a monkey in a tuxedo, but it doesn’t make it James Bond. When men reach the zenith of their religious delusion let them visit the Liberace museum and borrow some of his duds, complete with sequined cape and feather boa. Now that might be a televangelist worth tuning in to.

So Many Religions Claim to be the Way:
Dr. S. Amjad Hussain’s column in defense of the Prophet Mohammad was both well-written and justified. I would like to assure Dr. Hussain and those of the Islamic faith in our area that Jerry Farwell and most other televangelists do not represent me or the God I’ve come to know and love.
The Taliban is to Islam what the Ku-Klux-Klan is to Christianity – a fraudulent representation. No group of people enjoy being judged by the actions of a few.
Religion is an emotionally charged topic. Men need to come to the table of discussion calmly and respectively, with a thirst for the truth and with an appetite for humble pie.
The Qur’an offers some profound doctrine. As do the teachings of Buddha, Confucius, and Hinduism. From Aristotle to Einstein, great minds have offered words of wisdom. Jesus offers words of eternal life.
Good people don’t go to heaven; saved people do. So the question is not how to be good, but how top be saved.
From this Christian’s perspective, Jesus – the sinless one – shed His blood on the cross for the sins of the world. If that’s true, then it’s true if people believe it or not. Christian theology dictates that our responsibility is to accept His sacrifice, then be buried with Christ in baptism. For if we die with Him, are buried with Him, then likewise we will be raised with Him.
So many religions and philosophies claim to be the way. say what you will about Satan, one thing we can all agree on is that he is nothing if not clever. Where, except in a forest, could you hide the tree of life?

Friday, January 13, 2006

Scripture Condemns Homosexual Acts:
Regarding “Homosexual weddings are a wonderful thing,” have you ever noticed when people disagree with a well-established religious belief, they paint Christians in opposition as narrow-minded rubes who just fell off the turnip truck?
They claim the Bible too antiquated to be relevant for modern man. The letter writer call believers ignorant, prejudiced, and brainwashed; he then proceeded to misinterpret Scripture.
I have no business judging another man’s sexual activity. Lord knows I have had enough romantic misadventures of my own. But sinner to sinner I am compelled to speak. If he thinks God does not condemn homosexual acts his understanding of Scripture is flawed.
In the book of Leviticus, God spoke these words to Moses, “Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable.” (18:22) You don’t need to be a Greek scholar to understand that. With His very next breath God forbids bestiality. (18:23) How long before men start defending that perversion?
Contrary to the writer’s assertion, the word of God often speaks about homosexuality, and never in a positive light.
“Claiming to be wise they became fools… degrading their bodies with one another.” (Romans 1:22 and 24)
Claiming maturity they live as immature. Take a cursory survey of television sitcoms on any given night and you will see how embarrassingly immature our society is in regards to sex. Claiming freedom they live in bondage to sin.
Obedience to the probationary clauses in the Bible; the “Thou shall,” and the “Thou shall not,” is what lifts men above barnyard animals.
The homosexual whining like a spoiled child asking “why not?” And God like an exasperated parent answering “because I said so!” That should be all the reason you need.

Men Sin Because They Are Sinners:
A child molestation scandal of apocalyptic proportions has griped the Catholic Church. Almost a hundred Catholic Priests are exposed as pedophiles. Only the tip of the iceberg, I fear. Yet a recent contributor to the Readers’ Forum still holds as sacred the blessing of a child molester. What planet am I on?
Can’t you just picture God scratching His head and saying, “What do I have to do to wake these people up, drop a ton of bricks on their head?”
Men sin because they are sinners; they are not sinners because they sin. Whether a Catholic pedophile, a Baptist whore-monger, a minister embezzling funds, or any other clergy with skeletons in his closet. Men are sinners. All men. This is Christianity 101.
Jesus had a few stinging words for the religious leaders of his day who thought they had arrived in a spiritual sense.
Once you understand that we sin because we are sinners, we are not sinners because we sin, wonderful things will begin to happen. You will avoid the two deadly extremes of self-condemnation and self-righteousness. Sincere Christians hunger and thirst after righteousness. Still we fall short; we miss the mark.
There is only one person who can forgive sins and that’s the man who died for them.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Putting Children To Death Is Wrong:
Why two Arkansas boys 11 and 13 years old would shoot and kill four of their classmates and a teacher is still a mystery. How to punish children when they commit heinous crimes such as this is a question society is now wrestling with.
Should we try them as adults and seek the death penalty? I think not. I pray I never live in a country that will put children to death no matter what their crime.
If I had the opportunity to counsel these two youngsters, I would point to the life of the Apostle Paul and his activity as a persecutor of the Christian faith. How he would drag off whole families of Christians and put them to death. He later became a pillar of the Christian faith.
In the same vein I suspect these boys in Arkansas are two of the most spiritual-minded young men in our society today. Let’s not kid ourselves, there is no punishment that fits their crime. If society does not ostracize them upon their release from jail, but will instead nurture them on a spiritual path, they too may become great men of God.
If you have been fortunate as I and never killed anyone, congratulations, but before you break your arm patting yourself on the back, remember these words, “But for the grace of God their go I.” In another time, in another place, you or I could not only have done what these children did, but what Timothy McVeigh did, or even Adolph Hitler did.
That, friends and neighbors, is our sinful nature.

‘Deadbeat Dad’ Label is Grossly Unfair
The label “deadbeat dad” is a brutal accusation to levy against a man. All too often a loving and devoted father is placed in a position in which compliance with a court order would strip him of his manhood and self-respect. I have been placed in such a position.
My divorce settlement was amicable for the most part, ample visitation, assets fairly divided, even the amount of child support is not a problem. What the settlement lacked, however, is a simple thing called “shared parenting.” For my former wife and I to share responsibility and accountability for our child’s welfare must be just too logical for the judicial system to grasp.
I don’t drink, use drugs, nor am I abusive. I am, however, a recovering alcoholic (sober 12 years now). Because of alcoholism I have a checkered and colorful past, including run-ins with the law. My wife wanted full custody of out daughter, the court saw my record and rubber stamped another case. When I look around our fair city I see men fathering children that shouldn’t be allowed to raise dogs, yet the government takes a child away from me, the best father in town (there may be equals, but there are none better).
I went to parenting classes and anger management classes. I have jumped through so many hoops to get my kid back I should join the circus. All to no avail. So I am placing my child support payments in escrow until the time a shared-parenting plan is issued. Not only do I accept my responsibility as a father, I embrace it, and I want my kid back.

A Delightful Form of Civil Disobedience
I find the type of civil disobedience orchestrated by the group known a “Fathers 4 Justice” nothing short of delightful. One of their members - Jason Hatch, 33 of Gloucester, England - scaled the wall of Buckingham Palace dressed as Batman.
Using what would best be described as childish pranks, Mr. Hatch and his cohorts go to great lengths to call attention to their cause; greater custody and visitation rights for divorced and separated fathers.
England, like the United States, is a country governed by laws. The concern I have for this group is that most people who witness their escapades will side with the court. The men in question will be viewed as unstable, in other words.
That would be a mistake. I have no doubt these men used every legal resource at their disposal. Legal wrangling when dealing with child custody is a maddening experience. My case is not unique.
In my naivete I played the game, thinking justice would ultimately win in a court of law. Little did I realize the court had its mind made up before I walked through the door. Although not as creative as my English counterparts, I too began a protest, and just like my English cousins I landed in jail.
Looks like my friends over the pond are having a lot more fun. No wonder it’s called Jolly ol’ England. Bravo, my friends, bravo!
So if you see a man swinging from the giant chandelier on the portico of the White House and he’s wearing a red, white, and blue Spandex jumpsuit, a pink tutu, Grougho Marx glasses, and combat boots, it’ll be me.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The Homosexual Agenda

The current barrage of entertainment laced with love scenes between gay men must have the board of directors for the homosexual agenda guarding the glee they feel like poker players holding a straight flush.
The highly acclaimed movie “Brokeback Mountain,” and a recent episode of “Desperate Housewives” are two of the most recent and provocative. Hollywood, as usual, is advocating the joy that can be found in a homosexual relationship.
What’s wrong with that? Haven’t gays suffered long enough? We’ve all heard the horror stories about gay bashing, about families being torn apart, about teenage boys driven to suicide; many times after being saddled with guilt by some fire and brimstone preacher.
From the world view of my youth – a European Catholic, post war baby boomer – homosexuality was a fate worst than death, calling a guy “gay or queer or faggot,” well, them there was fightin’ words. Homophobia, in my opinion, is not so much a fear of homosexuals, as it is a fear of being homosexual. Some men too frightened to examine a homosexual thought, suppress the very idea. Living an unexamined life in fear and ignorance they lash out at others, or, as in the days of my youth, joined the priesthood.
As often happens in societal shifts, the pendulum has swung to the other extreme. Some sociologist point to the horizon of a moral-less, unisex society; a society where any willing partner will do.
I admire people who are honest with themselves. After all, aren’t we all just wayfaring pilgrims struggling to grasp the brass ring from the carousel of life? There are however three little banana gnats you cannot shoo away from our human condition, one is God, another is sin, the third – eternal life. Pesky little concepts aren’t they?