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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Royal Hoax

People are fragile.  For proof we need look no further than the suicide of Jacintha Saldanha.  Ms. Saldanha was the nurse who fielded the prank phone call from Australian disc- jockeys, Michael Christian and Mel Greig (“Royal Hoax”, Reuters/Blade, 11 Dec.2012, sec.A2)   Imitating the Queen of England the disc jockey asked about the medical status of the Queen’s granddaughter, Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge. The call was transferred unchallenged to the appropriate department and was recorded by the radio station.

Delighted by their good fortune the D.J.’s played the recording over and over.  Word of the prank was soon picked up by other media outlets and worldwide humiliation was now pressing down upon Ms. Saldanha.  Mortified she took her own life.

If this ruse had not ended so tragically it would have been funny.  What the disc-jockeys did was mild compared to some of the elaborate practical jokes launched upon some unsuspecting prey.  Some jokes are designed for good natured fun, others to inflict emotional pain and humiliation.   An entire industry is built around practical jokes, pranks, and hoaxes; all of which are kissing cousins to political gaffs we so delight in.  Then we wring our hands and wonder how we can stop children from becoming sadistic bullies.

            What’s troubling to me are the things society finds entertaining.  Cruel jokes, mockery, violence, a general disregard for civility.  These things coupled with mankind’s blind and stubborn refusal to acknowledge his fallen nature.


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